Monday, February 15, 2010


Somewhere along the line your child learned to get what they want by throwing a tantrum, now you're paying for it. It's time for some tough love, before you start locking yourself in the bathroom or begging to go to the grocery store just to get a break. It's as simple as this, Don't give them what they want when they are screaming for it.When they throw a tantrum do not offer them something else or bribe them to stop.You will hear me say with everything, consistency is the key!!!! For any unwanted behavior you have to put a lot of effort into getting the behavior to stop, and every single time it occurs you have to follow through, it can be really exhausting, but will work a lot faster this way, what might only take a week could take months if you are not consistent.When the tantrum starts you need to say something like this " I'll talk to you about this when you are ready to talk like a big girl/ boy" then walk away and give them no more attention until the crying stops. Of course if they are hurting themselves or others they will need to be placed somewhere away from anyone or anything dangerous or throw-able. When they have settled down to a more manageable roar you can reason with them. If they are old enough you can explain that when they cry or throw a tantrum they will not get what they want. If they are younger, its over, a hug, and thats it, but never ever give them what they wanted in the first place.If a tantrum happens in a store, then leave, no need to cause a seen. Prepare yourself before you go out to prevent them from happening, make sure your child is not hungry, tired, or sick. Bring with you, bottles, sippy cups, snacks, and small toys to keep them busy when they have to wait. Remember no one likes a spoiled brat, so giving your child everything they want whenever they want it may seem like your just keeping the peace, but in fact you're creating a monster and it will catch up with you. You are not being a mean Mommy, you are being a good Mommy, who is teaching her child an important life lesson, you can't always get what you want.

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